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The Problem

We problematise the concept of intersectionality. But what is intersectionality? Intersectionality describes the belief in the definitive, conclusive, enduring, and all-permeating interrelatedness of the trendy -isms of the moment—most commonly sexism, transgenderism, racism, ableism, classism, and capitalism. In the case of veganism, these -isms would include speciesism and carnism too. It stems from the much-contested critical race theory, which simplistically put, ultimately has grown from Marxist theory. You can find links to videos to learn about these underpinnings (and critiques of them) in our resources.

THE PROBLEM WITH INTERSECTIONALITY: It is a problem as it causes one’s worldview to narrow insofar as it fosters a dismissal of other perspectives, of evidence that may lead to different conclusions, and of other struggles/experiences that do not fit neatly into one of the most commonly touted identity groups. This then can lead to closing of debate via various silencing tactics and cancel culture. It can also lay a focus on the group at the expense of the individual and thus sows division along group lines. It further consistently biases itself towards and overemphasises the influence of culture and social systems on individuals over biology. It also biases itself against anything/one deemed to have more power and presupposes public agreement to ideas portrayed as fact when the ideas are actually hotly contested—and credibly so. Many powerful and loaded terms are also becoming extremely diluted. Thanks to pressure groups and lack of government oversight, intersectionality has its tentacles firmly planted in many corners of society; veganism is no exception, and it is likely only more prevalent here due to its prevailing leftist associations. You can learn more about intersectionality and the claims made here through recommended video/book links listed on our resources page.

We recognise some truth and relevance in the origins of the word/concept of intersectionality (when it used to just mean that some individuals have unique multiple social disadvantages at once), but it has evolved overtime to the extreme form we see today.

HOW IS INTERSECTIONALITY HARMING THE VEGAN CAUSE? For better or for worse, veganism has become (and historically been) associated with the political Left. Thus, there has likely long been associations with other left-leaning political stances. However, in the present day, this has been further emphasised with the advent of wokeism and its associated problems. Political illiberalism, dogma, a lack of critical thinking, and narrow-mindedness have seeped into many corners of the vegan movement. For instance, in vegan circles, there appears to be increasing pressure to adopt a whole array of other political stances, such as relating to capitalism, pacifism, abortion, third-/fourth-wave feminism, Israel-Palestine, immigration, transgenderism, Brexit, free speech, and so on. If one doesn’t align with the expected positions on every single issue, even if just one of your views is an outlier, or even if you remain publicly neutral on a topic, then you will often be ostracised. See video links listed on our resources page for examples.

We need to protect veganism from exclusive association with wokeism and the far left of the political spectrum more generally, and acknowledge its independence and congruence with numerous different personalities and political affiliations (this can of course include proponents of “progressive” politics for those so inclined). There is concern many will not even consider veganism due to an automatic association with “progressive” politics, and even just ‘the Left’. This will surely limit the growth of veganism.

Additionally, the scale of the current atrocity committed by humans unto nonhuman others is simply in a league of its own; therefore, it merits its own distinct consideration.

INSTEAD: This group highlights, from a classically liberal* standpoint, the plurality of other opinions that are not only still possible when supporting veganism, but also often well-aligned with veganism. Veganism does not belong exclusively to the "progressive" Left and is beyond identity politics. We value: the individual, intellectual rigour, evidence, integrity, morality, and compassion. A broad church for veganism is not only most fitting, it is also what will best serve nonhuman animals.

*We are using classical liberalism as indicative of individual freedom, freedom of speech, and equal rights.